Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I have come to a conclusion..

Hello friends, last year I left you all with my wondering mind of my spiritual life. I was exposed to the Orthodox Church a little over a year ago. This came to be through a man, I think most ladies could relate to how men have a certain affect over women. We have since parted ways, but I was left with being exposed to the "fullness of the faith" what in the heck am I going to do with that?
Well, I spent sometime attending a small protestant non-denominational church, and it wasn't the same, something was missing. Most everyone was there with their bibles open , the book Acts ironically enough. The pastor spoke about many correlations between now and then, we even stood the whole time in "worship". So what was missing?
I have until this point, attending Divine Liturgy most every Sunday. Although I don't fully understand what is going on, I sense there is something more. I feel a connection with Christ was we pray prayers that have been said by other Orthodox Christian all over the world and through all points of history. So why would I stray from this path that I chose? Who care it is because I met a man! Right?
Well, after much debate and encouragement from my godmother, I sent an email to Father David here in my hometown. Thank God there are 2 Orthodox Churches nearby. We met for coffee, and I was brave enough to attend Liturgy on my own. I forgot how much I missed the smell of incense, a visual fragrance of our prayers moving towards heaven. I didn't realize how much it moved me to see icons of Christ, the Theotokos, and other Saints on our walls. It has never touched me as much to see others worshiping God in an orderly obedient manner. I praise God for the way He brought me to the Church, I thank my godmother and wonderful roommate for their encouragement.
Now begins the journey of Great Lent, I am looking forward to worshiping Christ in obedience and fasting, drawing closer to him in prayer and witnessing His love manifest in this season.
I think I will be sharing some recipes, random thoughts of the season in posts to come, until then, Lord Have Mercy.

1 comment:

  1. just came across your blog from Kh. Susan's blog. my family is also on a journey to Orthodoxy, and it has been a long bumpy ride for us - but still a good one. God bless you on your journey!
